DIY Felt Story Board
Daddy- "Big Boy, Little Boy is watching everything your'e doing"
Big Boy- "Yea, I'm a good teacher!"
Daddy- "Oh yea? What makes a good teacher?"
Big Boy- "MOMMY!! She teaches me and is a good teacher!"
Who remembers going to camp or Sunday school and being taught with a flannel graph/ felt board?? The moment I decided to homeschool I went on-line to buy a flannel graph, and I was met with a huge surprise. Who knew that those little felt boards and story figures were so expensive!!! I decided that I should just figure out a way to make my own. Fast forward a few years and I found this post with the best idea I've seen in a while. I decided I had to try it for myself. I love how it turned out, and I'm super excited to add this to my Five in A Row experience. I can't wait to make new story boards and activities for each book we read! So far it's been a hit for both boys! Here's what i ended up doing...
I then cut out all the images (I decided not to spend time cutting out all the detail/ super close to the image because I wasn't going to take that much time to cut that close when it was on the felt anyways).
From here all you have to do is place them upside down onto the felt and hold a hot iron on it for about 30 seconds. Make sure to add plenty of pressure, and lift the iron up to move instead of using it like you would to actually iron. Once they're ironed on let it cool and then peel the paper back off. All that's left to do is cut around the images and play! So easy and endless uses and possibilities!
As for the felt board, we found this cute two-sided easel at Costco, on sale. All I did was add some velcro to the sides. I plan on going back and adding more velcro and cutting it to fit a little better, but it works for now!

Little Man thought it was funny to eat the new pieces. Goober.
So what do you think? Easy right?? What are some ways you would use this with your kiddos? Would love to hear from you in the comments!
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