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Hey everyone! It's been two years since I've posted but I wanted to go back and post some of our old "rows" that we did with Silas when he was younger. I'm sure I've forgotten things, but here goes! In October we decided to "row" the book "Popcorn" by Frank Asch. It's not an official Before Rive In A Row book, but one of our favorites that we've done. We read the book and focused on our five senses. Here's a look at what we did.  The first thing to do when reading Popcorn, is MAKE popcorn!! We made it on the stove just like little bear and imagined the house being filled to the rim with it. Silas LOVED this part!! While it cooked, we listened for it to pop, we smelled it as it cooked, we watched it grow bigger, we felt the difference between a kernel and one that's popped, and then we tasted it.  With all the left over popcorn we attempted making popcorn balls. They were ok but not great lol.  ...

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